(Following in googles footsteps)To mark Antonio Gaudi's 161st Birthday I thought i would upload one of his most impressive and original buildings, which is still being built!
'La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona, Spain'
Gaudi dedicated more than 40 years of his life to this great work, in fact he dedicated the years 1914 - 1926 (the year he died) exclusively to this project declining all other offers put before him. He even moved to live with in the precincts of this church; this meant he could be on hand to resolve any problems and see that everything was carried out exactly the way he wanted.
The church commenced building in 1883 and isn't expected to be complete until 2026 to mark 100 years since Gaudi's death. The reason for the buildings long construction period is down to three things; the complexity of dimensions in building the design, ensuring Gaudi's detailing is adhered to and the fact that the money used for the project has all been donated, meaning the project has had to stop in the past due to a lack of funding. This building however sums up Gaudi's brilliance with such a unique architectural and engineering style—combining Gothic and curvilinear Art Nouveau forms.
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