





1.       Which are following Global Environmental Issues?
a)      Ozone depletion                                            
b)      Global warming
c)       Solid and hazardous wastes                       
d)      Fresh water quantity and quality
e)      All of above

2.       Land degradation is now-a-days a _______________
a)      Global Issue                                      
b)      Country Issue
c)       Global Environmental Issue      
d)      None

3.       Which one is wrong statement about environmental problem issues?
a)      Degradation of marine environments
b)      Deforestation
c)       Water treatment facility
d)      Endangerment of biological diversity
e)      All of above are correct

4.       Environmental engineering deals with_____________
a)      Air Pollution                                                                     
b)      Noise pollution
c)       Solid waste engineering & management                             
d)      Hazardous waste management
e)      All of above

5.       ‘Water treatment and supply systems’ are to be considered specifically in ______________
a)      Civil engineering            
b)      Environmental Engineering
c)       Hydrology                                          
d)      Both in (b) and (c)                          
6.       Air pollution can be categorized mainly into______________ parts
a)      2                                             
b)      3                             
c)       4                                             
d)      None
7.       Factors of air pollution ____________
a)      Traffic                                  
b)      Industries
c)       Forest fire                          
d)      volcanic irruption
e)      All of above

8.       ‘Query blasting’ causes the ___________
a)      Water pollution                                                              
b)      Air pollution
c)       Dust pollution                                                  
d)      None

9.       Sources of Noise Pollution are ____________
a)      Traffic                                                  
b)      Industries
c)       Construction works                       
d)      Workshops
e)      All of above

10.   Solid waste engineering includes _____________
a)      Collection of waste                                       
b)      Storage of waste
c)       Disposal of waste                                           
d)      All of above
11.   Solids become hazardous when following activities occur _____________
a)      Open burning                                                   
b)      Open dumping
c)       Unhygienic disposal                                      
d)      Dispose off in open drains
e)      All of above

12.   No proper guide lines are available for ___________ management
a)      Hazardous Waste                                           
b)      Solid waste
c)       Water waste                                                     
d)      None

13.   Which of the statement is correct about Hazardous waste management?
a)      It’s a very sensitive issue
b)      Very complex and dangerous to handle
c)       Sources are still not define
d)      All of above
e)      Only (a) and (b)

14.   _____________ of the waste generation are the two factors decide how much environmental damage is done per person.
a)      Availability                                        
b)      Consumption
c)       Dispose                                               
d)      Both (a) & (b)
e)      Both (b) & (c)

15.   ‘Estimating population Growth’ means the __________________
a)      Calculations of world resource consumption and pollution loads
b)      Calculations of persons per house
c)       Calculations of world resource consumption
d)      All of above

16.   Surface Water Treatment involves different processes like ______________
a)      Chemical Mixing (Rapid Mixing)                              
b)      Flocculation
c)       Sedimentation                                                                
d)      Rapid Sand Filter
e)      All of above

17.   Groundwater Treatment involves following steps ________________
a)      Aeration                                             
b)      Disinfection
c)       Fluoridation                                      
d)      Pumped to community
e)      All of above

18.   _____________ is the chemical alteration of the colloidal particles to make them stick together

a)      Disinfection                                      
b)      Aeration
c)       Fluoridation                                      
d)      Coagulation

19.   Particles which absorbs water are known as _____________
a)      Hydrophilic                                       
b)      Hydrophobic
c)       Hydrates                                             
d)      None

20.   Usually Rapid mixing takes time _____________
a)      10 – 20 min                                        
b)      20 – 30 min
c)       20 – 60 min                                        
d)      30 – 40 min

21.   Mark the Coagulants
a)      Aluminum sulfate (alum)           
b)      Ferrous sulfate (ferric)
c)       Ferric chloride                                                 
d)      All of above

22.   Flocs are separated from water in ___________ process
a)      Settling Tank                                    
b)      Filtration
c)       Disinfection                                      
d)      None

23.   All sedimentation tanks are modeled as ___________ reactors
a)      Plug flow                                            
b)      Chlorine
c)       Gravity Flow                                     
d)      Both (b) & (c)

24.   Design of settling tank is determined by ____________
a)      Volume of water                            
b)      Size of particle to be removed
c)       Available space                                               
d)      All of above

25.   Rate of slow sand filtration __________
a)      0.1-0.2 m/h                                        
b)      0.2-0.3 m/h
c)       1-2 m/h                                                               
d)      2-3 m/h

26.   Rate of rapid sand filtration __________
a)      4-20 m/h                                             
b)      5-20 m/h
c)       5-15 m/h                                             
d)      None

27.   Disinfection is applied when the waste water is left with about ______ of bacteria and viruses
a)      88-90%                                
b)      78-80%
c)       18-20%                                
d)      8-10%
28.   A disinfectant is used to _______________
a)      Kill microbes fast and efficiently
b)      Not kill humans or other animals
c)       Last long enough to prevent re-growth in distributions systems
d)      All of above

29.   Commonly used disinfectants are ________________:
a)      Chlorine                                             
b)      hlorine Trioxide
c)       Gama Radiations                             
d)      All of above

30.   ____________ refers to water treatment processes that combine small particles into larger particles, which settle out of the water as sediment.
a)      Flocculation                                      
b)      Chlorination
c)       Disinfection                                      
d)      Filtration

31.   Water Treatment methods are ____________
a)      Flocculation/Sedimentation                                     
b)      Ion Exchange
c)       Disinfection                                                                      
d)      All of above

32.   GAC or PAC are used to remove contaminants, and works on the principle of __________
a)      Absorption                                        
b)      Adsorption
c)       Flocculation                                      
d)      None                    

33.   Ion exchange can be used to treat ________________
a)      Hard water                                        
b)      Soft water
c)       Turbid water                                     
d)      Sea water

34.   Long-term exposure to ___________ via drinking-water causes cancer of the skin, lungs, urinary bladder, and kidney, as well as other skin changes such as pigmentation changes and thickening.
a)      Arsenic                                                                
b)      Fluoride
c)       Magnesium                                                       
d)      Potassium

35.   Objectives of water supply systems are _______________
a)      To supply safe and wholesome water to consumers
b)      To supply water in adequate quantity
c)       To provide economical water supply system
d)      All of above

36.   The ______________ enables the determination of sizes and capacities of all the constituents of the water supply system.
a)      Estimate                                             
b)      Surveyor
c)       Both (a) and (b)                                               
d)      None
37.   In practice, a period varying from _____________  years is considered sufficient for design purpose.
a)      10-20 years                                        
b)      15-25 years
c)       20-30 years                                                        
d)      30-40 years
38.   For the purpose of estimating total requirement of water of a community, it is usual to calculate the consumption in ______________
a)      Liters per capita per year                            
b)      liters per capita per day
c)       Liters per capita per month                                        
d)      Gallons per capita per day

39.   Factors affecting Per Capita Consumption are ______________
a)      Climate                                                               
b)      Industries and commerce
c)       Quality of water                              
d)      Number of habitants
e)      All of above

40.   For the population of 20,000 – 50,000 in a community without sewerage has the lpcd is ________
a)      60                          
b)      80          
c)       100                        
d)      160
41.   Estimated demand Per Capita per Day out of 135 lit. for drinking & cooking is _________
a)      3.5 Litr                 
b)      4.5 Litr
c)       5.0 Litr                                 
d)      49.5 Litr
42.   As compared to the total consumption, Fire demand is seldom more than _____________.

a)      5 - 10 per cent                                                  
b)      5 - 15 per cent
c)       10 - 20 per cent                                                
d)      None

43.   The estimate of fire demand can be made with the help of the _____________
a)      Empirical formulae                                        
b)      Statistical formulae
c)       Manning’s Formula                                        
d)      None

44.   National Board of Fire Underwriters Formula:

a)      Q = 4673 (P) 0.5 [1 - 0.01(P)0.5]
b)      Q = 4637 (P) 0.5[1 - 0.01(P)0.5]
c)       Q = 6437 (P) 0.5[1 - 0.01(P)0.5]
d)      Q = 4637 (P) 0.7[1 - 0.01(P)0.5]

45.   Freeman Formula:
a)      Q = 1136.5 (P/5 +10)
b)      Q = 1136.5 (P/10 +10)
c)       Q = 1136.5 (P/15 +10)
d)      Q = 1146.5 (P/5 +10)

46.   Recommend that the fire reserve should be provided at the rate of ________  lpm for every 50,000 population.
a)      1800                                      
b)      1900
c)       1650                                      
d)      1725
47.   This relation Pn = P (1 + i/100) n gives the population at end of nth year according to __________
a)      Arithmetical progression method
b)      Geometrical progression method
c)       Incremental increase method
d)      None
48.   __________ of sickness in the world is caused by inadequate water supply or sanitation

a)      80%                                       
b)      85%
c)       90%                                       
d)      None
49.   ____________ has the following properties; Constant composition, High mineral content, Low color & Low/no D.O.
a)      Ground Water                                                 
b)      Surface water
c)       River water                                                       
d)      Rain water
50.   In Surface Water Treatment primary objectives are to ____________
a)      Remove suspended material (turbidity) and color
b)      Eliminate pathogenic organisms
c)       Remove hardness and other minerals
d)      Eliminate pathogenic organisms
e)      Both (a) and (b)

51.   In Ground Water Treatment primary objectives are to ____________
a)      Remove suspended material (turbidity) and color
b)      Remove hardness and other minerals
c)       Eliminate pathogenic organisms
d)      Both (a) and (b)
e)      Both (b) and (c)

52.   Al2(SO4)3.14H2O is one of the ____________
a)      Coagulants                                        
b)      Flocculent
c)       Hydrant                                               
d)      None
53.   Stoke’s Law has ____________ in the denominator
a)      Dynamic velocity                            
b)      Dynamic viscosity
c)       Settling velocity                                              
d)      Density
54.   At bottom of tank  ______________ occurs

a)      Rapid Settling                                  
b)      Compression settling
c)       Slow settling                                    
d)      both (a) & (c)
55.   The final step in removing particles is ____________

a)      Settling                                                               
b)      Filtration
c)       Disinfection                                      
d)      Coagulation formation

56.   In Dual media filtration, there will be combination of __________

a)      Aggregate & Coal                                            
b)      Coal & sand
c)       Salt & sand                                                        
d)      None

57.   ‘Anthracite coal’ is used in the ____________ process

a)      Settling                                               
b)      Filtration
c)       Disinfection                                      
d)      Both (a) and (b)
58.   Face velocity for the Slow sand filter is _____________
a)      2.9 – 7.6 m3/day·m2                                        
b)      2.0 – 7.0 m3/day·m2
c)       2.1 – 7.6 m3/day·m2                                        
d)      2.9 – 7.4 m3/day·m2
59.   Back wash water time for Rapid Sand filter is __________
a)      5 – 10 min                                           
b)      10 – 15 min
c)       15 – 20 min                                        
d)      20 – 25 min
60.   Back wash water is ____________
a)      Either treated,
b)      Release to river without treatment
c)       Disposed of properly
d)      Both (a) & (c)
61.   ____________ is any process to destroy or prevent the growth of microbes

a)      Filtration                                                            
b)      Disinfection
c)       Chlorination                                                     
d)      None
62.   Inactivation processes include denaturizing of:
a)      Proteins                                                                                           
b)      Nucleic acids
c)       Lipids                       
d)      All of above
63.   Properties of an Ideal Disinfectant are ____________
a)      Against all microbes
b)      Produces rapid inactivation
c)       Effective in the presence of organic matter
d)      Nontoxic and All of above

64.   Free Chlorine is used as _____________ in Water and Wastewater Treatment
a)      Disinfectant                                                                                         
b)      Retarder
c)       Catalyst                                                                                                 
d)      None
65.   By the Chick’s Law, ratio of Initial number of organisms to number of organisms = ___________
a)      e-kT                                                                                 
b)      1/e-kT               
c)       -1/e-kT                                                                           
d)      -e-kT               

66.   Disinfection kinetics is better in ____________ reactors
a)      Plug-flow (pipe)                                             
b)      batch (back-mixed)
c)       Nuclear                                               
d)      Both (a) & (b)

67.   Disinfection activity can be expressed as the product of = _______________

a)      Disinfection concentration & contact time
b)      Infiltration concentration & contact time
c)       Infiltration concentration & reaction time
d)      Any of above
68.   For disinfection activity (DA); if C = 50 mg/l and T = 2 min then DA = ___________ mg/l-min
a)      25                          
b)      100
c)       48                          
d)    52

69.   Microbial ______________ protects microbes from inactivation

a)      Aggregation                                      
b)      Segregation
c)       Attach                                  
d)      None

70.   Free chlorine exists in __________ form
a)      Solid     
b)      Liquid
c)       Gas        
d)      All

71.   Recommended maximum residual concentration of free chlorine ____________
a)      5 mg/L                                 
b)      = 5 mg/L
c)       < 5 mg/L                                              
d)      None

72.   Presence of _____________ in water or wastewater and the addition of free chlorine results in an available chlorine curve with a “hump”
a)      Chlorine                                             
b)      Bromine
c)       Iron                                       
d)      Ammonia

73.   CO2 has high solubility in water __________ greater than free chlorine
a)      2 times                      
b)      3 times
c)       4 times                      
d)      5 times

74.   The primary source of all water supplies is ____________
a)      Precipitation          
b)      Ground water
c)       Surface Water        
d)      Glaciers

75.   ___________ is that portion which flows over the surface of ground as storm water or flood flow to appear in the form of stream.
a)      Run-off                               
b)      Stream flow
c)       Pipe flow                                           
d)      None

76.   ____________ is the portion penetrating into the interstices of the soil and eventually becoming a part of the ground water.
a)      Percolation                                       
b)      Transpiration
c)       Run off                                  
d)      All of above

77.   ____________ is the portion taken up and disposed of by the leaves of the growing vegetation.
a)      Percolation                                       
b)      Transpiration
c)       Run off                                  
d)      All of above

78.   _____________ is the part lost to the atmosphere from the land and water surfaces due to the heat of the sun.
a)      Percolation                                       
b)      Transpiration
c)       Run off                                  
d)      Evaporation

79.   ___________ is the descriptive term applied to the general circulation of water from seas to the atmosphere, to ground and back to the seas.
a)      Hydro­logical Cycle                         
b)      Water Treatment cycle
c)       Natural cycle                                                    
d)      None

80.   Water from ___________ when used as a source of water supply is required to be collected and stored in underground reservoirs
a)      Rainfall                               
b)      Mineral water
c)       Ground                                
d)      River

81.   The ___________ variations in rainfall are due to direction of prevailing winds and location of mountain ranges.
a)      Monthly                                              
b)      Annual
c)       Geographical                                    
d)      None
82.   The rainfall during __________ months is partly used up by vegetation.
a)      Spring                                  
b)      summer
c)       Winter                                 
d)      autumn

83.   Run-off is measured in the following units:
a)      Cubic meter per second
b)      Hectare-meter
c)       mm per hour
d)      Both (a) & (b)

84.   Run-off is measured by the following methods:
a)      Rainfall-runoff records,
b)      Empirical formulae
c)       Gauging
d)      All of them

85.   For R = KP; K ranges from _________
a)      0.5 – 0.8                                               
b)      0.05 – 0.8
c)       0.6 – 0.8                                               
d)      0.6 – 0.7

86.   An impounding reservoir essentially consists of ________ parts.
a)      One                                
b)      Two
c)       Three                             
d)      Four
87.   The general factors to be considered in design impounding reservoir are ________
a)      Run-Off
b)      Total demand of water
c)       Both (a) & (b)
d)      None

88.   Ground water is the accumulation of water below the surface of ground, caused by the portion of rainfall about ___________ percent
a)      20 per cent                                        
b)      30 per cent
c)       50 per cent                                        
d)      60 per cent
89.Dug wells are large diameter holes that are usually more than ___________ wide.
a)      2 feet                                   
b)      3 feet
c)       4 feet                                   
d)      5 feet
90.   ____________ are common in Kentucky.
a)      Drilled Wells                    
b)      Dug wells
c)       Both (a) & (b)                   
d)      None
91.   Well Casing should be ___________ or more above the surface and __________ above flood level.

a)      12 inches and 1-2 feet                                  
b)      6 inches and 1-2 feet
c)       12 inches and 2-3 feet                                  
d)      6 inches and 2-3 feet

92.   What are the common Methods Used to Construct Water Wells?
a)      Hand dug
b)      Driven
c)       Drilled

d)      All of above

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