





1. Normally about _________ percent of the per capita consumption of water becomes wastewater.
a)      90-95%
b)      80-90%
c)       60-70%
d)      95-99%
2. Considering 200 litre per capita water consumption and sewage flow of 80%, the per capita flow will be ________ litre/capita/day.
a)      190lpcd
b)      180lpcd
c)       170lpcd
d)      160lpcd
3. The peak factor shall not be greater than __ and not less than __ in any case.
a)      4 and 2
b)      6 and 2
c)       10 and 5
d)      1 and 0
4. Sewerage network will be designed for the _______ flow.
a)      Avg. Flow
b)      Uniform flow
c)       Peak flow
d)      None
5. Minimum self cleansing velocity is ___m/sec. under flowing full condition. Preferably it is taken as ___ m/sec for the designing of the system. Maximum velocity will not be greater than ___ m/sec.
a)      0.6 ,0.75 ,2.4
b)      0.5, 0.6, 2.0
c)       0.6, 1, 2.4
d)      1, 2, 4,
e)      0.75, 1, 2.4
6.The minimum slope for a section of sewer will generally be based on the ______ velocity requirements.
a)      Max velocity
b)      Min velocity
c)       Avg velocity
d)      Peak velocity
7. Sewers will be designed to flow at _____of full depth under peak flow conditions to provide requisite air gap.
a)      0.9
b)      0.6
c)       0.75
d)      0.8
8. Thus the design flow will be calculated by multiplying peak flow with a factor of 1.12.
a)      1.5
b)      1.2
c)       1.12
d)      2
9. Minimum sewer pipe size will be ______ mm except for house connections which will be ___ mm.
a)      150 and 200
b)      100 and 200
c)       200 and 150
d)      200 and 100
10. The type of pipes to be used for sewerage system depends upon the following factors:
a)      Corrosion resistance
b)      Capital cost
c)       Local availability
d)      All of the above
11. ____ pipes will be used for sewer lines. For house connections _____ pipes will be used.
a)      UPVC , HDPE
b)      HDPE, UPVC
c)       VC , PVC
d)      BOTH UPVC
12. In order to provide building connections, minimum earth cover over the pipes will be __ m.
a)      0.5
b)      1
c)       2
d)      2.5
13. trench width for the pipe of dia 200 mm is:
a)      600 mm
b)      700 mm
c)       750 mm
d)      500 mm
14. Manholes will be located according to conventional sewer network design i.e.
a)      at starting points,
b)      junctions between sewers (except building connections to sewers),
c)       changes in direction and grade,
d)      all of the above.
15. the manhole spacing for 300 to 600mm dia pipes is:
a)      Less than 50m
b)      50 to 80 m
c)       >100
d)      >150
16. For sewer lines up to 700 mm diameter manholes will have a circular chamber of __metre internal diameter.
a)      1m
b)      2m
c)       1.5m
d)      1.2m
17. To minimize the risk of blockage in sewers, the diameter of the outgoing sewer must not be ____ than the diameter of the largest incoming sewer.
a)      Greater
b)      Less
c)       Equal
d)      None
18. The _____connections to manholes will be provided if the difference in pipe invert elevation is greater than 600 mm
a)      Fixed
b)      Drop
c)       Loose
d)      Elevated
19. Connection pipes will be ___ mm diameter or greater depending on the population of the buildings and the available grade.
b)      150
c) 200
d)      250
20. The proposed sewage treatment plant will be based on
a)      extended aeration,
b)    activated sludge process.
d)      Only b
21. The rated capacity of the plant will be average ______ sewage flow.
a)      Annual daily
b)      Annual hourly
c)       Peak flow
d)      Annual avg.
22. The substances which hinder the biological processes are classified as follows:
a.       Fats, oils and grease
b.      Priority pollutants
c.       Both
d.      Only fats
23. Average sewage temperature for the coolest month will be adopted as design temperature which is taken as ____°C.
a)      25
b)      30
c)       50
d)      20
24. depth of circular clarifiers is:
a)      3-6m
b)      4-6
c)       5m
d)      6m
25. The dewatered sludge through drying beds will be transported through vehicles and disposed off at landfill site; the site should be of sufficient capacity to store the sludge minimum for ___ days.
a)      100
b)      150
c)       365
d)      None
26.______and well water generally do not need further purification.
a)      Spring
b)      River
c)       Rain water
d)      Ground water
27. which is not true for the water distributions system.
a)      Delivers water from the pumping station throughout the area.
b)      Dead-end hydrant receives water from many direction
c)       Circulating-feed hydrant receives water from two or more directions
d)      Grid systems provide circulating feed from several mains
28. recommended pipe sizes for main streets
a)      12”
b)      10”
c)       8”
d)      6”
29. recommended pipe sizes for business and industrial.
a)      12”
b)      4”
c)       6”
d)      8”
30. recommended pipe sizes for residential;
a)      12”
b)      8”
c)       6”
d)      4”
31. The term used for raising static water to supply a pumper
a)      Lifting
b)      Elevating
c)       Drafting
d)      Accelerating
32. water distribution system consists of:
a)      Pipe networks
b)      Measurements ( Discharge & pressure)
c)       Manifolds and diffusers
d)      Both a and c
e)      All of the above
33. Each point in the system can only have one pressure
a)      One pressure
b)      Equal pressure
c)       different pressure
d)      both a and b
34. Valve will begin to open when the pressure greater is upstream than the sets-point pressure.
a)      Pressure reducing valve
b)      Pressure regulating valve
c)       Pressure sustaining valve
d)      None
35. Commonly used to limit the maximum flow to a value that will not adversely affect the provider’s system
a)      Pressure reducing valve
b)      Pressure regulating valve
c)       Pressure sustaining valve
d)      Flow control valve
36. Purposes for Storage
a.       To balance supply and demand
b.      Protection against breakdown
c.       To provide a static head for gravity running
d.      Water treatment.
e.      All of the above
37. there are ____ categories of pipe.
a)      2
b)      3
c)       4
d)      5
38. They have relatively large diameter and are used for conveyance and distribution.  Materials used include cast iron, spun iron, asbestos, cement, or steel.
a)      main
b)      Service
c)       Plumbing
d)      None
39. pipe work within the building is included in __________ categories.
a)      main
b)      Service
c)       Plumbing
d)      None
40. There are three important pressures associated with pipes.
a)      Work Test: 
b)      Maximum Field Test
c)       Maximum Working Pressure
d)      All of above
41. Energy cost is a function of head losses while pipe cost is a function of diameter.
a)      Thickness
b)      Length
c)       diameter
d)      all of the above
42. Allow ___ m (for big pipes) to ___ m (small pipes) head loss per 1000 m of mainline
a)      1 and 10
b)      2 and 5
c)       2 and 10
d)      1 and 2
43. Normal practice in water supply for irrigation is to keep velocity within 0.6 to 1.5 m/s. 
a)      0.6 to1
b)      0.5 to 1.5
c)       0.6 to 1.5
d)      0.75 to 1
44. .  Water hammer is transient high pressure waves due to rapid valve closure
a)      Standing wave
b)      Water hammer
c)       Hydraulic jump
d)      Both a and b
45. Pipe diameter can be chosen using head losses and velocity using charts or equations.
a)      Slopes
b)      Lengths
c)       Head losses
d)      None
46. branch system is used in _______projects.
a)      Large community
b)      Small community
c)       Rural areas
d)      None
47. _____________ water reaches to point from different directions in
a)      Grid system
b)      Looped network
c)       Branching systems
d)      Both a and b
48. __________ has the disadvantages are that the designs are more complicated and there are more pipes and more fittings.
a)      Grid system
b)      Looped network
c)       Branching systems
d)      Both a and b
49. hf=  10.67  CH -1.85 D- 4.87  Q1.85 L, where CH is:
a)      roughness coefficient of pipe material
b)      roughness coefficient of fluid
c)       pressure coefficient
d)      none
50. Usually, flow velocities shall be ______
a)      < 3 m/s
b)      < 2m/s
c)       < 1m/s
d)      < 0.75m/s
51. Water storage allowance depends on:
a)      Type and use of buildings
b)      Storage capicity
c)       Both a and d
d)      Frequency and pattern of use
52. NPSH stands for in pumps
a)      Net positive suction head
b)      Negative pressure suction head
c)       Net positive storage head
d)      Negative pressure storage head
53. Capacity varies with head- Capacity proportional to pump speed- Head proportional to the square of pump speed- Non self-priming- Suitable for low-viscosity liquid are the characteristics of _____________ pump.
a)      Centrifugal pumps
b)      Reciprocating pump
c)       Positive displacement pump
d)      None
54. Capacity substantially independent of head- Capacity proportional to speed- Self-priming- Suitable for various liquids (reduced speeds usually necessary for high viscosity are the characteristics of
a)      Centrifugal pumps
b)      Reciprocating pump
c)       Positive displacement pump
d)      None
55. Pumps connected in series:
a)      Double the pressure
b)      Double the flow
c)       Double the head
d)      None
56. ______________Pumps connected in parallel:
a)      Double the pressure
b)      Double the flow
c)       Double the head
d)      None
57. At sudden contractions, flow streamlines converge causing the downstream developed flow to have an area smaller than the downstream pipe diameter.  This flow constriction is called the___.
a)      Turbulence
b)      Vena contracta
c)       Irregulation

d)      Current developement

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