





Top 50 interview mistakes

1- Dressing inappropriately.
2- Not taking a phone interview as seriously as an in-person interview.
3- Leaving your cell phone on.
4- Chewing gum.
5- Bringing a cup of coffee or other drink with you.
6- Bringing another person with you to the interview.
7- Wearing sunglasses.
8- Showing up early.
9- Showing up late.
10- Showing up hung-over and or really tired.
11- Going to the interview if you are really sick.
12- Not knowing the interviewer's name.
13- Not introducing yourself.
14- Leaving a Bluetooth earpiece on.
15- Texting during the interviewer.
16- Interrupting the interviewer to take a call.
17- Have background noise (kids, pets, etc.) during a phone interview.
18- Wearing too much perfume or cologne.
19- Wearing a hat or cap to the interview.
20- Not bringing extra copies of your resume.
21- Not bringing a list of references.
22- Depending on the job, not bringing a portfolio of your work.
23- Playing with your hair.
24- Saying "ummm" or "you know" or "like" too often.
25- Mumbling and using poor grammar.
26- Talking too much.
27- Cutting off the interviewer's question.
28- Not talking enough.
29- Not smiling enough.
30- Telling jokes and laughing too much.
31- Not making eye contact with the interviewer.
32- Criticizing your last company or boss.
33- Not remembering your work history.
34- Checking your notes for an answer to a question.
35- Not following directions if you're given a test.
36- Not being prepared to answer questions.
37- Not paying attention to the questions you're asked.
38- Not taking the time to research the company prior to the interview.
39- Forgetting the name of the company you are interviewing with.
40- Forgetting the names of the companies you've worked for in the past.
41- Not remembering the job you applied for.
42- Telling the interviewer that you really need the job.
43- Telling the interviewer that you need the money.
44- Not knowing enough about the company you are interviewing with.
45- Asking about time off in your first interview.
46- Asking about salary and benefits right away.
47- When asked "Why do you want to work for our company?" providing answers that are focused on you instead of on how you will benefit the company.
48- Not have relevant questions to ask when asked, “What questions do you have?"
49- Neglecting to thank the interviewer for the opportunity to meet with him or her.
50- Not sending a thank you note after the interviewer.

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