Still, the amp is in good shape for the November meeting, as is the kelvin. The charge of the electron and Boltzmann’s constant have both been measured precisely, so both units are ready to be redefined today, says François Piquemal, a physicist at the National Laboratory of Metrology and Testing in Paris.
But the process could be delayed until the 2018 meeting of the BIPM general conference. All four units are intertwined, so the plan is to redefine them all at once, and the kilogram is causing problems. There are two rival approaches to its redefinition: a watt balance, which would balance a test mass against Earth’s gravity in terms of electrical power, and a precise count of atoms in a sphere of silicon. The two approaches give slightly different answers. Piquemal says that the differing approaches need to be reconciled before the units can be redefined.
505273–274 (doi:10.1038/505273a