





Want To Be A Bridge Engineer? Get To Know What It Is All About

Bridge Engineer
Are you someone who has been awed by the magnificent structure of the bridges for some time now? Have you ever wondered how these connecting structures are constructed and developed? Wish that you could construct something of the sort? Then a career in bridge engineering might just be the thing for you.

Who Are Bridge Engineers?

Putting it simply, the concept of bridge engineering is somewhat encompassed within that of structural engineering. It is that facet of structural engineering which is concerned with the various aspects related to the construction, maintenance and development of bridges. Bridge engineers are involved in the task of analysing each and every facet of the bridges- the expected traffic load, materials that go into the construction of the bridge and the like. Inspection, assessment and monitoring of bridges are also an important aspect of the job a bridge engineer.
Bridge maintenance, bridge deck loading and analysis, enhancing the durability of bridges and structures, designing the bridge are some of the responsibilities that any competent bridge engineers should be able to carry out deftly.

Qualifications Required For Being a Bridge Engineer

Dreaming of a career in bridge engineering? Do you have what it takes to be the creator of these connecting construction products? To begin with, a qualifying degree in civil engineering and specialisation in structural engineering are the major primary qualifications that are required for being a successful bridge engineer. The competence quotient of the career requires one to be sincere and dedicated to the job along with the ability to use the intellect well enough to assess and handle any situation that arises in the bridge construction arena. Bridges are an important part of urban life and it is important that people in the charge of constructing these bridges should be competent enough to deal with et al.

How Much Can You Earn As A Bridge Engineer?

If you have set your eyes on bridge engineering as a career, then be ready to rake in quite an amount in return for the work that you will put in. As per the US Bureau of Labour Statistics, a well qualified bridge engineer has earned up to $84,140 per annum on an average, as in 2011. However, the amount that is earned by these professionals varies not only according to their qualifications but also according to the state where they are working and also according to the industry they are working for. According to the report provided by the BLS, a career opportunity in bridge engineering is being expected to see a hike by almost 19% from 2010 to 2020. According to it, a portion of these opportunities will arise as a consequence of the federal government increasing the budget for the transport and highway system. 

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