





Why You Should Consider Removing Dates On Your Blog… It can seriously hurt your website

blog post dates

Can blog post dates really hurt your blog or website?
It all depends…for me the answer is yes and for some, the answer is no.
You should know this because it can be the key factor that either keeps people staying on your website or leaving it right away. 
Find out from the following article,  whether you should remove the dates from your blog or website. 

So what does blog post dates have to do with anything?

Well, first, I understand that having dates on your blog posts let’s people know that your content is new and that you’re active on your blog. 
If you’re like me and you only put out a couple blog posts a month because you have a busy schedule and you focus on quality content over quantity…
…then you know having dates can be a bad thing. 
Why can having dates be a bad thing?
Well, think of how you feel when you land on someone’s blog and you notice they haven’t updated their blog in weeks?
It can make you feel not motivated to go through their content and make you judge their website by their recent activity. 
I know I feel like that sometimes. 
Another reason why I don’t put dates on my blog is because the information I teach is timeless. This very blog post that you’re reading will still be valuable advice for years to come.
Think about how many times you judged an article’s worth by it’s date before reading it?   
If the article is more than a year old, what are the chances of you reading it… even if it’s relevant and can still help you out.  
Most likely, you will want newer information before even giving that article a chance.
It’s natural for us to assume that old equals outdated or bad
That’s why I removed dates from my blog posts all together.  I don’t want a visitor from Google, social media, etc to leave my website because of the date of the blog post. 
Now this is something that I don’t recommend for all blogs. It all depends.
If you have a celebrity gossip magazine or a blog about technology… I think dates will help you out because people want the latest gossip or news on that particular topic.
If it’s anything with health, fitness, self development, cooking etc…  dates won’t matter because teaching advice on how to get a 6 pack or recipes on how to cook a meal will be timeless information.
How else can removing blog post dates help you out?
Well, with me, personally, having no dates on my blog takes a lot of pressure off me in regards to having to constantly produce content.
No one can judge my websites activity because no one can see when I posted my last blog post. 
When you’re all about putting out quality content it can be hard to produce it on a daily basis. It takes time to do the research, test the research and come up with the content… especially if you have a busy schedule.  
By having no dates, I can take a week to produce a great article and spend the following 7-10 days syndicating the blog post all over the web to generate as much traffic as possible…
Because… let’s be real here. Producing blog post after blog doesn’t get you traffic.
It can help a little… but it’s also about doing the off site work, spending a week or so syndicating your website all over the web. And then from there, converting as many of those visitors into followers. 
Now if you’re not updating your blog frequently… when will people know when to visit your website?
If you notice on my website, I have email opt-in’s where I tell the viewer,”If you enjoy this content, stay up to date with the latest content on my blog”.  
This allows me to put out content whenever I want because I can shoot the follower an email to let them know I have new content.  
I wrote a whole article on that right here. 
Here’s an example of an email opt-in I have on my home page.  
blog post dates
So, as you see, I use email opt-ins all over my website to convert viewers into followers. Then I send emails to my followers, letting them know when I have new content on my website.
You’re kinda getting behind the scenes of how I run my website. :D
By the way, if you like this article and want to follow my blog to receive valuable blogging lessons, make sure you follow my blog.  Just put your email in below.  
A recap of today’s lessons.
Why to remove dates from your blog:
  1. People will not pre judge your website due to blog activity.
  2. Timeless advice / information does not go out of date. 
  3. Takes less pressure by allowing you to produce quality content as well as do behind the scenes needed work.
Now I have 1 thing for you to do.
If you have a friend who is having difficulty putting out quality blogs on a daily basis… show them this blog post. 
Do me and them a favor! 2 birds, 1 stone. 
I also want to hear what you think?  Will you implement this strategy to your blog? 
Leave a comment below.

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