





Everyone in this world has been granted with some unique qualities and those distinctive characteristics should be fully utilized. We always make mistakes when we try new things. No one is perfect in this world. Making mistakes is not a big issue but important thing is to lean from those mistakes. After the completion or publication of the work, some unprofessional  people start analyzing and pass their judgment for a particular task. Some people frequently find faults or make harsh and unfair judgments and term this as Criticism. This is the common practice in our society.
“He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.” Abraham Lincoln.
Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something or someone in an intelligible (or articulate) way. It does not always mean being negative about something. It involves positives as well as negatives. This feedback mechanism helps us constantly to improve our work and relationships. It is important to communicate constructively in order to move on professionally and to build meaningful relationships but don’t make personal attacks. It’s better to give constructive criticism in a friendly way and present valid justification for a particular matter.
Constructive Criticism is an evaluation of performance, usually involving both positive and negative comments, with an eye to improvement rather than simple critique. Constructive Criticism is the birthplace of change and it unlocks new opportunities. The aim of constructive criticism is to see a change for the better in the person criticized and to point out a fault without destroying a person’s self esteem. Following are some basic examples of constructive criticism.
“You need to focus more on results,” Change your statement like that: “You need to apply different work methods for reaching goals”.
“You don’t take initiative,” turn it into a statement of expectation: “You really have some good ideas and I’m depending on you to step up and take action”.
You don’t respect your parents”, Make it different one like that, “I really like the way you respect your teachers, your parents would be happy if you respect them the same way”.
By properly analyzing and evaluating the matter, a critic can generate its merits and faults. We all know people like to be praised. But constructive criticism valued because it helps people to follow the ways for improving work performance; that makes it even more welcome than praise. Try to give suggestions and ideas for rectification without causing resentment.  Do not destroy the action of anyone’s creation. Criticize in a constructive way would help you to bring your points alive. Constructive criticism should be concrete and actionable. It teaches humility and promotes personal growth. It should be used as a tool for improvement. It forces you to take an honest look at yourself and make changes where necessary. The end result must be to bring about a change that improves the quality of life and work.


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